SIG-Hist Special Interest Group on The History of Speech Communication Sciences
This list contains references to books and articles focusing on historical aspects of the speech communication sciences. Please mind that the collection of relevant references is a continous process and should not be considered a complete bibliography. Every interested colleague is invited to make us known further references to be included in this list.
Aalto, D. 2017. Origins of Source Filter Theory from Mersenne (1636) to Müller (1839). In: Vainio, Martti/Simko, Juraj/Aulanko, Reijo (eds.): HSCR 2017 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research Helsinki, August 18-19, 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 83). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 61-67.
Arai, T. 2017. Chiba and Kajiyama Measured 3D Configurations of the Human Vocal Tract and Made Physical Models Based on the Measurements. In: Vainio, Martti/Simko, Juraj/Aulanko, Reijo (eds.): HSCR 2017 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research Helsinki, August 18-19, 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 83). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 55-60.
Ashby, M. 2015. Experimental Phonetics at University College London Before World War I. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 118-127.
Ashby, M. 2011. Film from a phonetics laboratory of the 1920s. Proc. 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Hong Kong), pp. 168-171. [pdf]
Ashby, M. & Przedlacka, J. 2013. Towards a history of teaching, learning and assessment in phonetics. Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference (PTLC), London, pp. 11-14. [pdf]
Ashby, M. 2017. The Digital History of Phonetic Science. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research Helsinki, August 18-19, 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 83). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 7-15.
Aulanko, R. 2015. Hugo Pipping - A Pioneer Phonetician at the University of Helsinki. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 30-41.
Boë, L.-J. & Vilain, C.-E. (eds) 2010. Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon.
Boë, L.-J. & Bonnot, J.-F. 2010. Création et émergence de la phonétique expérimentale en France : de l'abbé Rousselot à Théodore Rosset In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 103-128.
Bonnot, J.-F. & Boë, L.-J. 2010. À propos des sources et influences historiques de l'œuvre de Théodore Rosset In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 129-145.
Brackhane, F. & Trouvain, J. 2008. What makes "mama" and "papa" acceptable? - Experiments with a replica of von Kempelen's speaking machine. Proc. 8th International Speech Production Seminar (Strasbourg), pp. 329-332. [pdf]
Brackhane, F. & Trouvain, J. 2013. The organ stop "vox humana" as a model for a vowel synthesiser. In: Interspeech 2013. 2013. pp. 3172-3176.
Brackhane, F. 2015. “Kann was natürlicher, als Vox humana, klingen?” – Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der mechanischen Sprachsynthese. Dissertation. (= Phonus 18). Saarbrücken: Inst. für Phonetik, Univ. des Saarlandes.
Brackhane, F. 2015. Kempelen vs. Kratzenstein - Researchers on Speech Synthesis in Times of Change. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 42-49.
Brackhane, F., Sproat, R. & Trouvain, J. (eds.) 2017. Wolfgang von Kempelen: Mechanismus der menschlichen Sprache / The Mechanism of Human Speech. Kommentierte Transliteration & Übertragung ins Englische / Commented Transliteration & Translation into English. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 87-88). Dresden: TUDpress.
Brackhane, F., Sproat, R. & Trouvain, J. 2017. Editing Kempelen's “Mechanismus der Menschlichen Sprache”: Experiences and findings. In: Vainio, Martti/Simko, Juraj/Aulanko, Reijo (eds.): HSCR 2017 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research Helsinki, August 18-19, 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 83). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 16-24.
Brackhane, F. & Gósy, M. 2017. Kempelen’s speaking machine: Experiences with replicas. In: Vainio, Martti/Simko, Juraj/Aulanko, Reijo (eds.): HSCR 2017 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research Helsinki, August 18-19, 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 83). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 25-34.
Brackhane, F. 2017. Vokaltraktmodelle im 18. Jahrhundert: Kempelen vs. Kratzenstein. In: Trouvain, Jürgen/Steiner, Ingmar/Möbius, Bernd (eds.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2017. Tagungsband der 28. Konferenz Saarbrücken, 15. bis 17. März 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 86). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 41-48.
Braun, A. 1983. VOT im 19. Jahrhundert oder "Die Wiederkehr des Gleichen". Phonetica 40, pp. 323-327.
Braun, A. 2015. William Holder - a Pioneer of Phonetics. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 106-117.
Braun, A. 2017. From Visible Speech to Voiceprints - Blessing and Curse of Sound Spectography. In: Vainio, Martti/Simko, Juraj/Aulanko, Reijo (eds.): HSCR 2017 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research Helsinki, August 18-19, 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 83). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 68-78.
Carley, P. 2013. Arthur Lloyd James and English pronunciation for foreign learners. Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference (PTLC), London, pp. 27-30. [pdf]
Demolin, D. 2010. La phonétique expérimentale et les langues de l'Afrique subsaharienne. de l'abbé Rousselot à Théodore Rosset In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 211-242.
Demolin, D. 2015. The Constribution of the Kymograph to the Description of African Languages. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 71-76.
Duran, D. 2017. On the History of Computational Modelling and Simulations in the Phonetic Sciences. In: Vainio, Martti/Simko, Juraj/Aulanko, Reijo (eds.): HSCR 2017 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research Helsinki, August 18-19, 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 83). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 89-98.
Fischer-Jørgensen, E. 1967. A sketch of the history of phonetics in Denmark until the beginning of the 20th century. Ann. Rep. Inst. Phonetics, Univ. Copenhagen 13, pp.135-169.
Galazzi, E. 2010. Agostino Gemelli et l'analyse électro-acoustique du langage. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 179-190.
Gibbins, N. 2014. The evolution of laryngeal reinnervation, the current state of science and thoughts for future treatments. Journal of Voice 28 (6), pp. 793–798.
Gósy, M. 2011. From stomatoscopy to BEA: the history of Hungarian experimental phonetics. Proc. 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Hong Kong), pp. 172-175. [pdf]
Gósy, M. 2015. A 75-Year-Old Hungarian Spontaneous Speech database. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 77-86.
Heselwood, B., Hassan, Z.M. & Jones, M. J.. 2013. Historical overview of phonetics. In: Jones, M.J. & Knight, R.-A. (eds). The Bloomsbury Companion to Phonetics. London etc: Bloomsbury.
Hoffmann, R. & Mehnert, D. 2007. Early experimental phonetics in Germany - Historic traces in the collection of the TU Dresden. Proc. 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Saarbrücken), pp. 881-884. [pdf]
Hoffmann, R. & Mehnert, D. 2010. The historical phonetic-acoustic collection of the TU Dresden. The Phonetician 101/102, pp. 33-46. [pdf]
Hoffmann, R. & Mehnert, D. 2010. Berlin-Dresden traditions in experimental phonetics and speech communication. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 191-208.
Hoffmann, R., Mehnert, D. & Dietzel, R. 2011. Measuring the accuracy of historic phonetic instruments. Proc. 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Hong Kong), pp. 176-179. [pdf]
Hoffmann, R., Dietzel, R., Mehnert, D. & Richter, D. 2012. Mechanische Resonatoren als historische Schallquellen und Messmittel in der experimentellen Akustik. Proc. DAGA 2012, 38. Jahrestagung für Akustik (Darmstadt), pp. 125-126.
Hoffmann, R. & Mehnert, D. 2012. Historic phonetic devices in the education in electrical engineering and information technology. Proc. 3rd IEEE HISTELCON, History of Electrotechnology Conference (Pavia), 5 pp.
Hoffmann, R. 2015. Voices for Toys - First Commercial Spin-Offs in Speech Synthesis. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 60-70.
Hoffmann, R. & Gramm, G. 2017. The Sennheiser Vocoder Goes Digital - On a German R&D Project in the 1970s. In: Vainio, Martti/Simko, Juraj/Aulanko, Reijo (eds.): HSCR 2017 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research Helsinki, August 18-19, 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 83). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 35-44.
Ivanova, I. 2010. La constitution de la phonétique expérimentale russe de la fin du XIXe au debut du XXe siècle. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 165-178.
Konopczynski, G. & Dodane, C. 2010. Wilhelm Wundt : une proposition originale de transcription musicale de prosodie. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 259-276.
Korpiun, Chr. 2015. Kratzenstein's Vowel Resonators - reflections on a Revival. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 52-59.
Korpiun, Chr. 2016. Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein: Tentamen resolvendi problema. Petersburg 1781. Übersetzt und kommentiert von Christian Korpiun. TUDpress: Dresden.
Lacheret-Dujour, A. 2010. Petit parcours prosodique de Grenoble à Aix-en-Provence : pionniers, dissidents et fédérateurs. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 277-297.
Martin, Ph. 2010. Éléments d'histoire de l'analyse de la fréquence laryngienne. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 317-329.
Möbius, B. 2003. Gestalt psychology meets phonetics - An early experimental study of intrinsic F0 and intensity. Proc. 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Barcelona), pp. 2677-2680. [pdf]
Nicolas, S. 2010. La locasiation cérébrale du langage. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 43-57.
Ohala, J. 2009. Hermann Grassmann: his contributions to historical linguistics and speech acoustics. In: Petsche et al. (eds): Hermann Graßmann: From Past to Future: Graßmann's Work in Context, Basel: Birkhäuser, pp. 345-352.
Ohala, J.J. 2010. A brief historical survey of phonetic-phonological feature systems. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 23-42.
Ohala, J.J. 2011. Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein: Pioneer in speech synthesis. Proc. 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Hong Kong), pp. 156-159. [pdf]
Pettorino, M. 2015. The History of Talking Heads: The Trick and the Research. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 30-41.
Pfitzinger, H. & Niebuhr, O. 2011. Historical development of phonetic vowel systems - the last 400 years. Proc. 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Hong Kong), pp. 160-163. [pdf]
Pisano, G. 2010. La méthode et émergence de l'abbé Rousselot: au-delà de la rationalisation, l'expérimentation. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 91-100.
Saito, H. & Michael Ashby, M. 2013. Edward Gauntlett's phonetics (1905). Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference (PTLC), London, pp. 71-74. [pdf]
Schellenberg, M. 2017. Music, Notation and the Representation of Lexical Tone. In: Vainio, Martti/Simko, Juraj/Aulanko, Reijo (eds.): HSCR 2017 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research Helsinki, August 18-19, 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 83). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 79-88.
Serniclaes, W. 2010. La quête de l'invariance de traits dans les recherches. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 243-258.
Skrelin, P. & Kochetkova, U. E. 2017. Standard French Vowel Formants vs. Characteristic Tones of Rousselot: Tuning Forks Technique Reconsidered. In: Vainio, Martti/Simko, Juraj/Aulanko, Reijo (eds.): HSCR 2017 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research Helsinki, August 18-19, 2017. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 83). Dresden: TUDpress, 2017. pp. 45-44.
Studer-Joho, D. 2015. The Early Swiss Dialect recording Collection "LA" (1924-1927): A description and a Work Plan for its Comprehensive Edition. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 87-94.
Šturm, P. 2015. International phonetic congresses: The shift in research practices and areas of interest over 44 years. Proc. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Glasgow). [pdf]
Šturm, P. 2015. The Prague Historical Collection of Tuning Forks: A Surviving Replica of the Koenig Tonometre. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 95-105.
Teston, B. 2010. Le rôle d'Étienne-Jules Marey dans l'emergence de la phonétique expérimentale. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 59-89.
Tillmann, H. & Siddins, J. 2015. The "Bonn Connection" and its Consequences: Paul Menzerath and Werner Meyer-Eppler's Reunification of Phonetics and Phonology and the Emergenge of a New Phonetic Speech Science Based on Shannon's Mathematical Theory of Communication. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 128-139.
Trouvain, J. & Brackhane, F. 2011. Wolfgang von Kempelen's speaking machine as an instrument for demonstration and research. Proc. 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Hong Kong), pp. 164-167. [pdf]
Trouvain, J. 2015. Notes on the Development of Speaking Styles over Decades - On the Case of Live Football Commentaries. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 160-166.
Vilain, C.-E., Arnal, A. & Boë, L.-J. 2010. L'analyseur de Kœnig : un premier spectromètre pour l'étude de la parole. In: Boë, L.-J. & Carton, C.-E. (eds). Un siècle de phonétique expérimentale. Fondations et éléments de développement. ENS Éditions: Lyon, pp. 301-315.
Vilain, C., Berthommier, F. & Boë, L.-J. 2015. A Brief History of Articulatory-Acoustic Vowel Representation. In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger/Trouvain, Jürgen (eds.): HSCR 2015 - Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research. Dresden, September 4-5, 2015. (= Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation 79). Dresden: TUDpress, 2015. pp. 148-159.
Warner, N. 2008. A fascinating personage in the history of phonetics: The phonetics and politics of Elise Richter. Poster presentation at the Acoustical Society of America meeting, Paris, June 2008.